الله سوريا بشار و بس
0:00⠀-⠀نحنا رجالك بشار (We Are Your Men, Bashar)
4:21⠀-⠀شعبك اختارك يا بشار (Your People Chose You O Bashar)
7:30⠀-⠀منحبك (We Love You)
13:46⠀-⠀ملايين ملايين السوريين (Millions and Millions of Syrians)
17:51⠀-⠀٢٣ مليون (23 Million)
21:31⠀-⠀الله محيي الجيش (God Bless the Army)
25:28⠀-⠀منموت كبار (We Die in Greatness)
29:14⠀-⠀على راسي يا أسد (On My Head O Assad)
32:43⠀-⠀أنت أملنا يا بشار سوريا الأسد (You are Our Hope, O Bashar the Lion [Assad] of Syria)
36:03⠀- مافي قوة فوق الارض (There’s No Power On the Earth That Can Overcome Us)
39:12⠀-⠀اغنية راب للجيش العربي السوري (Rap Song for the Syrian Arab Army)
45:18⠀-⠀ما بنستسلم ما بنتنازل نحنا قائدنا بشار (We Do Not Give Up, We Do Not Give In, For Our Leader Is Bashar)
49:28⠀-⠀الله يحميك ويديمك سيد الرجال (May God Protect You and Keep You Safe Master of Men)
52:02⠀-⠀يا بشار متلك مين انت يا عالي الجبين (O Bashar Who Is Like You with Your Proudness)
56:10⠀-⠀هلا ياصقر العرب (Hello O Falcon of the Arabs)
59:45⠀-⠀سوريا كلا معك (All of Syria Is with You)
1:02:41⠀-⠀اسد الامة (Lion of the Nation)
1:09:04⠀-⠀نحن حرس الرئيس (We are the President’s Guards)
1:12:08⠀-⠀جبنا لانتصار بيبرود (We Brought the Victory to Yabroud)
1:16:10⠀-⠀أبو حافظ وحياة عيونك (Abu Hafez I Swear with Your Eye’s Life)
1:19:15⠀-⠀يا جبين ما بينحني (O Forehead That Doesn’t Bend)
1:21:18⠀-⠀محسود ترابك سوريا (Your Soil is Envied Syria)
1:25:26⠀-⠀حماك الله يا أسد (May God Protect You O Assad)
1:30:29⠀-⠀كل الارض (All the Earth)
1:35:07⠀-⠀يا بشار يا ضو الليالي (O Bashar O Light of the Nights)
1:41:03⠀-⠀يريدون رحيلك ما نرضى بديلك (They Want You to Leave, We Will Not Accept Your Replacement)
1:45:06⠀-⠀لعيونك نحنا جايين فيك منكبر قائدنا (For Your Eyes We Come, With Your Presence We Become Great Our Leader)
1:53:23⠀-⠀الشعب السوري انتصر (The Syrian People Have Won)
1:55:33⠀-⠀رح ننتخبك يا بشار (We Will Vote for You O Bashar)
1:59:41⠀-⠀يا سيد الاباة (Master of the Proud Ones)
[Remake of previous video which was blocked. Unfortunately the most popular song about him by Rami Kazour cannot be included due to copyright]
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