Maria Marachowska Concert Song “HUMILITY“ “ПОКОРНОСТЬ“ Live On Christmas Day - 12/25/2023

CONCERT SONG “HUMILITY“ “ПОКОРНОСТЬ“ (Music: Maria Marachowska 2011, Lyrics: Nikolai Gumilev 1907) Maria Marachowska Concert Song Live On Christmas Day - 12/25/2023 Berlin (Music, Acoustic, Vocals, Sound, Video, Editing: Maria Marachowska) DONATE: MUSIC: CONCERTS: HOMEPAGE: ITUNES: SPOTIFY: With her “Siberian Blues“ Maria Marachowska has created an entirely new music style. Its strength lies precisely in the alternation between two opposite and equally stirring ways of expression: on the one hand the deliberate slowness that leaves room to the tones and allows them to linger on in the silen
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