Nuns and cement glue commercial

This priceless 1992 ad for a product called Talens Rubber Cement is a television commercial that swept the Cannes International Advertising Film Festival, winning its Grand Prix award. Created by Spanish ad agency Casadevall Pedreno & SPR, and conceptualized by Eduardo Maclean. In the ad, a pair of very reverent young nuns discover that the penis has broken off from the statue of the Baby Jesus in their garden. They wrap it carefully in a lace handkerchief and take it to the Mother Superior, who happens to have a tube of Talens Rubber Cement in her drawer. Together the three return to the garden and Mother Superior delicately glues the poor baby’s member back on, upside down. The surprise punch line occurs in the film’s last two seconds as one of the younger nuns surreptitiously turns the penis up just before the rubber cement dries.
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