Accidents Cause | National Highway India | NHAI | Jammu Amritsar Ludhiana to Delhi Highway Road Plan

We are all human beings. God Nature has given all of us equal body parts and brains. But the thinking of human beings is only developed by education, society & rulers. In India, first of all citizens know how to make money for their own life & families. It is the root cause of all our problems. The National Highway Delhi to Amritsar started may be 30-40 years back from Sonepat Panipat. It started from four lines and now it is going to be converted into six lines. There is not any way to pass vehicles in the city areas. India is the most populated area where there is development of population there is not any restriction on this thinking. before copy or imitate of foreign system our Uneducated Leaders Theoretical officer and unpractical engineers must think about next 50 years vision or life of India, The National Highway has a number of deficiencies it seems that it is not made under any planning that road has been proved fails and increased accidents. Give up Money making and think about t
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