Unissued / Unused material -
Mali, North Africa.
CU Flags, Algerian, Moroccan and Ethiopian. GV Caravelle plane taxiing in at Bamako Airport. VS King Hassan II of Morocco being greeted at Bamako Airport by President Mobido Keita. MS President Mobido Keita waiting at the airport for further arrivals. VS Ben Bella and Haile Selassie arriving separately and being greeted by President Mobido Keita. VS From travelling car past roadside crowds waving. LS Haile Selassie and President Keita waving from passing car. VS Small crowd outside gates of house where talks are taking place. VS Ben Bella, Moulay Hassan II and Emperor Haile Selassie seated at tables signing ceasefire after trouble on the Algerian and Moroccan border.
Aerial shot showing a desert road. CU Algerian flag. VS Men manning the fortress at Oum el Achard on the Algerian-Moroccan border. VS Moroccan prisoners lined up outside fortress are searched for hidden arms, etc. VS The prisoners have their hands tied and made to crouch down. VS Algeri
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