How to find mode of inheritance?

Autosomal Dominant Inheritance: - Individuals affected in every generation - Some carriers may not manifest disease - Males and females have equal chance of passing on mutation - 50% risk to children Autosomal Recessive Inheritance: - May be only one generation affected - Carriers typically do not have condition - Both parents must be carriers of the mutation - 25% risk to children X-linked Inheritance: - No male-to-male transmission - Though rare, females can be affected if they inherited two mutations - Many female carriers (one mutation) will have no symptoms; those that do have milder symptoms than seen in males - Risk for inheriting an X-linked condition: - 100% for daughters of affected fathers to be carriers - 0% for sons of affected fathers to be affected - 50% for daughters of carrier or affected mothers to be carriers - 100% for sons of affected mothers to be affected - 50% for sons of carrier mothers to be affected Complex Inheritance: - No clear Mendelian pattern of inheritance - Clustering of biologically related conditions in the family - Risk estimates based primarily on empiric data - The chance of developing a complex trait depends on several factors, which may include: - The number of relatives affected with a condition (or related conditions) - How closely one is related to the affected individual(s) - Similarity of the shared environment and lifestyle factors - Severity of the condition in the affected relative - The age at onset in the affected family member - The sex of the affected family member - Ethnicity #AutosomalDominantInheritance #AutosomalRecessiveInheritance #XlinkedInheritance #ComplexInheritance #pedigree #Genetics
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