Bloop 4 Slow Flying #2

The engine quits, so I re-start it. Up and away. The roll reversals are slow when I steer the plane just by sticking my hand out. On the landing approach I’m swerving around, taking my time getting lined up with that runway, landing with a nice jolt! I don’t often get landing jolts anymore, the vortex generators pretty much eliminated those. This is Bloop 4, my biplane motorfloater. See my webpage for descriptions and drawings: I fly as slow as possible, with a small engine. There are no ailerons, no main wheel brakes, no windows, no doors, no flight instruments, no wheel steering, no tailwheel, no in-flight trim adjustment, or any such stuff. Construction wise, there was no welding, no special machining, no woodwork, no molding, no sheet metal work, no jigs and no spray booth. Designed, built, and flown by Mike Sandlin. Thanks to Mark Walters for additional video.
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