Richard Dawkins on absolute morality from God

Professor Richard Dawkins is an excellent educator of evolutionary biology, but he’s perhaps best known for being an outspoken atheist. When it comes to religious debate, he doesn’t have a lot of patience. He’ll often respond sharply and sarcastically. And when the glasses come off, run! During a Q&A, Dawkins was asked that since atheists don’t have any absolute morality (morality claimed to come from God) wouldn’t deciding between right and wrong be considered a leap of faith? What ensued was a thrashing of reason over superstition that would have brought tears to the eyes of Ingersoll himself. History clearly demonstrates that secular moral philosophy and rational discussion are vastly superior to claims of morality from God made by men. Do you believe that women should be stoned to death if they’re not virgins on their wedding day? If not, you don’t practice claims of absolute morality any more than atheists do.
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