All of the bosses for each route beaten with Cervul and taking no damage. In most cases Cervul’s ranged attacks and tools make fights easier. Overall, I’d say good Cervul has a better loadout than evil Cervul as the speed boost from the banners are awesome and the piercing quality of the crossbow beats poison daggers.
I admittedly played these fights less aggressively than possible as unlike single player mode when you die it deducts lives while continuing the fight until you get a game over so instead of getting up to four tries at a boss before having to run back any mistake means a reload.
0:00 Paimon
0:54 Abomination 1
1:18 Abomination 2
1:45 Skeleton Knight
2:17 Mahalmon
3:58 Kalamon
5:26 Leviathan
6:41 Necro
7:13 Mammon
8:57 Werewolf
9:56 Crocell
10:51 Apollyon
12:27 Brutus
13:27 Champion of Rot
14:05 Alastor
17:10 Faceless One
18:44 True Paimon
20:25 Halphas
21:28 Belphegor
23:24 Lord of Maggots
24:53 Hell Cherub
26:30Show more