[] Rage Vortex of Berserking - “Melee Righteous Fire“ - Map Showcase

In this video, I showcase my new Rage Vortex of Berserking build in a Minotaur map. Since everyone likes the playstyle of Righteous Fire, I thought I would bring that love to melee builds. After much testing, it seems Rage Vortex does snapshot, so the final repeat of multistrike and the more melee damage and attack speed from totems will last the full duration of the skill. CORRECTION: WHILE MY ORIGINAL IN-GAME TESTING SHOWED TOTEMS WERE SNAPSHOTTING AS I WAS REGULARILY GETTING HIGHER SHOCKS WITH THE MORE MELEE PHYS TOTEM DOWN, IT APPEARS THIS WAS JUST DUE TO A STREAK OF RNG AND TOTEMS APPEAR TO NOT SNAPSHOT. I HAVE UPDATED THE POB TO REFLECT THIS. POB: 9.6 Million DPS
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