Morrowind - Vivec City (Fan Remake in Unreal Engine 5 | Early Work-In-Progress)

So this started out because I just wanted to do something a bit more simple and just make a little nature scene based on one of my favorite games, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I figured I would just spend an hour on it or so and move on. Well, as I was putting the little scene together I thought it would be cool to see the silhouette of Vivec City in the background. So fast forward a couple weeks later, and I had recreated pretty much all of Vivec City... but in pretty much the same relatively low-res polygon count that the original was in (it’s practically 1:1), with some higher resolution textures that I made, although they’re still not too great. In fact, I would say overall the quality of mine is worse than the original, so I’m not really showing anything off here; I was having problems with the grid in Blender, therefore the modular building pieces do not snap perfectly. I also had some UV issues I haven’t yet corrected. At any rate, this is only about 3 weeks of work total.
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