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I know the way he makes you hide
Even when the dose is fight or flight
And the obits wait for a perfect name
Clean out all the webs he left behind
And if you want, I could bury him out
By the salt on sea, in an empty grave
The past has a way of coming clean
If I didn’t know any better
I could have sworn you said,
“There will come a day for his reckoning”
It’s the want of the weight when it crushed
All the centrifugal ways our lives fall in and out of place
One day you’re going to see
That everybody who claimed that you were loved have left
Because one by one they would disappear
Claiming all your wolves were symptoms of deceit
“Don’t let your tongue slit your throat!”
That’s what they always said
This is one last chance that you’ve got to take
It’s the want of the weight when it crushed
All the centrifugal ways our lives fall in and out of place
Underneath all your doubt laid a serpents egg
Hissing his way out
You were told,
Severed tongues can’t fall onto their swords
Because you’re the only voice that calls
It’s the want of the weight when it crushed
All the centrifugal ways our lives fall in and out of place
It’s the want of the weight and the rush of the centrifugal fate we all want to escape
Jean Wolf Moise Torchon
Isabel Luna
Melissa Mosquera
Alexis Cordova
Dirección: Omar Rodríguez López
Productión: Nicolasa Ruíz
Coordinación: Abril Zapata Gerente
Producción: Hugo Ramírez
Asistente De Producción: Rafael G. Cornejo
Asistente De Producción: Viridiana Velázquez Gónzalez
Director De Fotografía: Gerardo Barroso Alcala AMC
1er Asistente De Cámara: Francisco Hernández
2do Asistente De Cámara: Karim Carvallo
Asistente De Cámara: Karla Condado
Videoassist: Poipoiu León Gaffer, Salvador Figueroa
Operador Moví Pro: Pedro Navor
Téchnico De Moví Pro: Liu Braca
Casting: Luis Barcenas
Make Up: Diana Di Bella
Posproducción: Bottling Company
Edición: Tang Tian & Adam Thomson
Colorista: Tang Tian
#TheMarsVolta #TMV #Vigil