Video from Mars - Perseverance’s First Panorama 720 HD

Who pours such hills on the surface of Mars, how they formed, and what kind of climate on Mars we are just beginning to observe ... We still have a lot to see and not understand anomalies, and notice the forms of Life, and maybe even find Life! This will probably be the most Joyful news for the inhabitants of the Earth that at last there are traces of Life on Mars? Or maybe they will somehow come out with us on contact, we will also watch and record a lot of videos for all fans of the planet Mars! Panorama March 02, 2021. The camera was commanded to take these images by scanning the mast, or “head,“ a full 360-degrees around the horizon visible from the landing site. The top of some of the distant crater rim is cut off in some images to ensure the images would cover the front ridge of the Jezero Crater’s ancient delta, which is only about miles (2 kilometers) away from the rover in the center of this panorama. At that distance and focal length, Mastcam-Z can resolve feat
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