The Dark Truth of the Genetic Origins of Homo Sapiens
What really happened, after our human ancestors went through an extinction bottleneck, which resulted in 99% of ancient humans being wiped-out 900,000-years-ago? According to a groundbreaking new study, we need to consider what we know about the early middle Pleistocene, around 700,000 years ago, to understand what might still be missing in the story of human evolution.
In fact, you may have a ghostly remnant from a “super-archaic“ proto-human that isn’t our direct ancestor, lurking deep in your DNA. This is because Neandersovans - the common ancestor of Neanderthals and Denisovans - interbred with a small-brained, super-archaic hominin over half a million years ago.
Regardless of which group the super-archaics belonged to, the new evidence of interbreeding provides a window into an ancient time period about which researchers know very little. According to the researchers, we’re just shedding light on an interval in human evolutionary history that was previously shrouded in