Kaito - I Wish They’d Just Die

English Lyrics ----------- I wish they’d just die. I wish they’d just die. I wish that they’d just die. I wish they’d just die. I wish they’d just die. I wish that they’d just die, somewhere faraway. Your cell buzzes when you were dozing in your bed. It was a text spam. A bug flies into your mouth as if it has been aiming the moment for you to yawn. The midnight show you never missed to record got spoiled cuz of the extended baseball game. You spend forever to get out the last grain of corn stuck in the corn potage can. Somewhere faraway, where I’m unfamiliar of... While I’m completely unaware and oblivious... I wish they’d just die. I wish they’d just die. I wish that they’d all just die. I wish they’d just die. I wish they’d just die. Somewhere faraway... I wish they’d just die. I wish they’d just die. I wish that they’d just die. I wish they’d just die. I wish they’d just die. I wish that they’d just die, somewhere over the rainbow. You hit the chair with your inside elbow when you turned around. ..
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