The great sage Khoja Nasreddin – Legends and facts

✅Many nations have their own legendary heroes. These personalities are almost the only ones who empathize with the common people, think about the problems of the common man, and ridicule the vices of the greedy rich. ✅One of the most famous characters in this genre is 🙆🏻‍♂️Khoja Nasreddin. Everyone who has been to the East has heard about him, especially in Muslim countries. His sayings and philosophy are unique in their simplicity and at the same time filled with deep meaning. With the help of anecdotes and stories, where Khoja Nasreddin is present, people express their opinions and critic...ism. #Uzbekistan #Silkroad #CentralAsia #KhojaNasreddin #JohaNasreddin #Mulla #Molla #Afandi #Ependi #Nasyr #Anasratin #traveling #voyage #trip #tours #docatours #oybekostanov
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