Credence Barebone/Percival Graves | Speak Softly, Love

Gradence Mafia AU The real Percival Graves was the lord of his gang. He saved a street teen named Credence and started looking out for him, including occasional nice feeds. Credence always got bullied and after Percival interfered, the violence finally stopped. During a warfare with Grindelwald’s gang, Percival was sentenced to prison for three years. After he got out, he found that Credence had become a rising model/actor. Percival was concerned that any relation to the mafia would jeopardize Credence’s career, but the young man couldn’t care less. He’s happy beyond words. The separation bonded the two even more as they realized that they’ve been falling love with each other for a long long time. The golden days didn’t last long, Grindelwald resurfaced and things started to get out of control.
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