Marx 200 - Israel Edition | «Even the ruling class is alienated»
Rawda Murkos, Tal Giladi, Moshe Zuckermann - three voices from Israel on the actuality of Marx
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Tell Aviv Office has interviewed three Marxists for our website and asked them what significance and influence Marx’s critique of political economy still has in the present day. Our interviewees were: Rawda Murkos, who is writing her Phd thesis about work of Palestinian women in the British Mandate of Palestine and is employed as an English teacher at the al-Salam School in Kufur Yassif; Tal Giladi, who is attaining his doctorate in philosophy at the Hebrew University and conducts Marx reading courses at the «Left Center» in Tel Aviv; as well as Moshe Zuckermann, sociologist and a professor of history and philosophy at the Tel Aviv University.
Research/Interviews/Editing: Daniel Ziethen and Hana Amoury
Camera: Eran Torbiner
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4 weeks ago 00:34:52 1
Манифест Коммунистической Партии (К.Маркс/Ф.Энгельс)