APOCALYPSE in Turkey! Artvin city is drowned! The biggest flood in the history of the country!
Flash flood in Artvin, Turkey 22 July.
A week after Rize was hit by heavy rainfall, floods and landslides, which claimed the lives of six people and caused two people to go missing, the province has been hit by heavy rainfall, floods and landslides again.
Artvin, another Black Sea province on Turkey, has also been faced with floods and landslides as a result of heavy rainfall.
One week has passed in Güneysu
On July 14, Büyükköy town in Rize’s Çayeli district, its Güneysu district and Muradiye town in city senter were flooded due to rainfall.
As reported by the state-run Anadolu Agency , Ardeşen and Fındıklı were especially affected by the rainfall last evening (July 21).