Runners compete in National Cross Country Championship and University of Cambridge student...(1935)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Cross-country runners compete in1 935 national championship and Cambridge university students race at athletics meet Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Athletic Champions: “National“ and Varsity Sports Meetings ENGLAND: Various: EXT ATHLETICS F. Close wins National X-country from Beacons-field. CLOSE, F. Winner of Nat. X Country starting at Beaconsfield CROSS-COUNTRY wins Nat. Cross Country starting at Beaconsfield Personalities - Sport; Athletics running, winner, win, champion, track, track and field, 100 yards, mile, athletes Background: Cross-country runners compete in1 935 national championship and Cambridge university students race at athletics meet FILM ID: VLVAE1RCP0HO03Q7TKVYKWWRVUC5Y To license this film, visit
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