My name is Calvin Cross an- th- f-llow-ng fo-ta-e is v-r- i-p-r--nt. I -as a-s-g-ed o- t- t-e H-b--d e-pe-im-ntal -ivisi-n o- a- exe-uti-e b--n-h wi--in a m----rious -ver-w-tch-g o--an-zati-n I k-ow no--ing ab-u-.
D- --t tr--t the o--er H----ds. P----e. Th-- a-e --t hu--nity’s l--- -o-e f-- ob-ai-ing kn--led-e of -he X---cr---o--s--------------------------------X
“Greetings, Issiah. I regret to inform you and the rest of the security department that there has been a breach in access across numerous sections of our grids. We are not sure if the breach is due to the Blurry Man, or another individual, but we are certain the breach has been paralleled directly with the recent [XXX] escapee.
Please contact Ahab Schroeder for more information regarding the breach, Thank you.“