유화 클래스🎨 새로운 취미 생활이 생겼어요🤍

프링이들! 드디어 유화 첫 클래스🌼🎨 취미를 찾았어요 배워보고싶었던 프링이들 강추 완성까지 쭉 보여드릴게요 💕💕 #프리지아 #유화 #유화클래스 #취미 ∨ 코로나19 방역 수칙에 준수하며 촬영 시에만 마스크 벗고 진행하였습니다 Hey, Pringies! It’s my first oil painting class🌼🎨 I found a new hobby I highly recommend it to Pringies who wanted to try oil painting I’ll show you the result of my painting as well 💕💕 (This video has been filmed under the COVID-19 guidelines and took off the mask only when filming.) ✿ instagram -
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