Learn React by Building an eCommerce Site - Tutorial
Learn React by building an e-Commerce application with Class Components.
You will learn component basics, rendering various items in components, parent-to-child component communication, lifecycle methods, forms, REST-API calls with JSON server and basic routing.
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✏️ This course was developed by Mr. Harsha Vardhan. Check out his Youtube channel:
🔗 Complete React course with Hooks and Redux by Harsha Vardhan:
⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (0:03:45) What is React
⌨️ (0:12:52) Understanding Components
⌨️ (0:19:05) Create New React App
⌨️ (0:29:41) React React App From Scratch
⌨️ (0:44:19) L