Act Violently is out now:
Our new album HEAVY JELLY is out July 19th. Pre-Order Now.
Tickets to see SOFT PLAY live:
Official video for SOFT PLAY performing Act Violently
Fuckin’ell I didn’t see you there
Not because I’m visually impaired
Fucker had me jumping out my skin
Ain’t you got a bell that you can ding?
Dropping all my shopping on the floor
Barely even made it out the door
If I wasn’t such a loving bloke I’d
Kick your fucking head into the road cunt
Hey I’m walking here
Do you really think you’re really it
In your Bally and your Hoodrich?
I wish I could see you bite the kerb
I wish I could see you eat shit
Stepping off the bus and there you are
Get that fucking scooter off the path
I’m about to commit an assault
Sorry officer it weren’t my fault