the Elio tale told by an Elfa | Introducing a prototype of my own Elvish

This piece of elven music accompanies me, as I present to you a first draft of a new elven language I am creating. Words, grammar and idioms may still change when I change my mind about them. The word “elfa“ means “person“ but I use it in the video title to mean a person speaking this language, as I have not settled on a name for it yet. Here is a translation into English for the tale. Unfortunately, I find my own language somewhat difficult to translate into English. This is my best try of a compromise between staying true to the original phrasing and presenting coherent English phrases to you: Three trees reside in the land of the Lesath. They stand among other trees which are less conscious. A threat is, their thoughts may become petrified. That is so, since few people are there, who speak to trees. However, elegant people come to this land. They are caretakers of the forest. They will not let that (the petrification) happen. Therefore, they stride and sing to the trees in a long row. They carry little lanterns with living glint in the night. Tender they are to the world, beautiful are their eyes and long and shining is their hair. The photo was taken by me and edited by Eldalagren, who used it in combination with a stock photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash. Eldalagren is also the model in the picture. You can find her here: My own website:
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