News From . - Dag Hammarskjold Elected U.N. Sec/gen - William Taft Ambassador To Ireland (1953)

New York, United States of America. GV. United Nations Assembly. MV. Delegates voting by secret ballot SV. Delegates voting by secret ballot. Andrei Vyshinsky (Russian Delegate) votes Senator Henry Cabot Lodge (Chief of US Delegation) voting immediately after. SV. Chairman Lester Pearson (Canadian Foreign Secretary) saying (nat. snd.) “I declare therefore the recommendation of the Security Council that the appointment of Mr. Dag. Hammarskjold (New UN Sec. Gen.) accepted. Applause. GV. Assembly applauding SV. Trygve Lie (Retiring UN Secretary General) walks onto rostrum. GV. Assembly. SV. Trygve Lie saying (nat. snd.) “ thank you for all the kind words, all your support and all your understanding during the past seven years. If I have made mistakes, I hope you will forgive me and I will certainly forgive you“ applause. SV. Lie shaking hands with delegates. LV. Trygve Lie greeting Hammerskjoeld as he steps from ’plane. SV. Lie shaking hands with Hammarskjold Washington DC, United States of America. L
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