Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer in U-Bend (Paper Validation), ANSYS Fluent

The present problem simulates the fluid flow inside a tube with a U-shaped bend by ANSYS Fluent software. The simulation was performed and validated according to the information and results of the reference article “Laminar flow and heat transfer in U-bends: The effect of secondary flows in ducts with partial and full curvature“. The fluid defined inside the tube was therminol; Its properties include density equal to 793.9 , specific heat capacity equal to 2315 , thermal conductivity equal to and viscosity equal to . The simulation has been done in different Reynolds numbers according to the paper. The present simulation has been done in Reynolds number of 1000, which according to the formula related to Reynolds number in the paper, the inlet velocity in the pipe is equal to . In this model, the thermal boundary condition on the pipe wall is used; So that a consta
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