Alphaville - Sounds Like A Melody (FL Sound Instrumental remix)

Plagins of this project: Minimoog (Keyboards - JMB El. Piano)/// Nexus 2 (Piano - PN Nexus Grand Piano), (Piano - Pop Keys), ( Classic - Pan Flute), (XP Drum Loops - DL Percussion 21)/// Sytrus (Bass - Plunk), (Arp - Hypersaw)/// FLEX (Fractal Tail), (Flux Navigator)/// Atmosphere (Pads - Airy Analog Pad), (Strings - Analog - JP 8 String Machine)/// Harmless (Keyboards - Eighties Keys FG)/// MT Power Drum Kit 2/// Morphine (Strings - STR String Thing FG)/// Sylenth1 Polar Virus (006 ARP Chord Pad), (012 ARP Multi Saw)/// Serum (Synth - SY Analog String SD), (Synth - SY Big Steepy FP)/// bpm 96
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