GOLDEN AURA Music, Golden Energy Vibration, Quantum Healing Ascension Miracle Music for Abundance of Miracles and Positive Energy and Higher Protection.
💕 Lovemotives Meditation Music
⫸ Golden Energy Vibration
⫸ Quantum Healing Ascension Miracle Music
⟫⟫⟫ No Headphones Required
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💚 Message:
Golden Energy Vibration for ultimate infinity in all areas of your self and your life such as abundance, health, well-being, security, protection, spiritual awareness, mental clarity, and full body cleanse, etc. This music was created to help you awaken your Golden Aura with the power of Quantum Healing Ascension Miracle frequency.
Each one of us has different resonating frequencies so it is merely impossible to create music that works for everyone, however, we resonate all through love and so this music is made from the source of love with Quantum Miracle frequencies and specific frequencies that allows oneself to experience oneness.
💚 How To Use This:
Play this on lower volume to allow yourself to concentrate on your achievements, while the music does the background work on your being. You can either just relax laying down, meditate or do your spiritual practices such as yoga, tai-chi and more.
▼L I N K S :::
❯ Official Websites:
❯ For an ASMR Moment Experience
❯ Second Music Channel for ASMR Miracle Manifestation
❯ For Wisdom Knowledge and Experience
❯ To Support this Channel to the Next Level
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❯ This Music has been tuned to A4 = 432 Hz and 60 Bpm
432 Hz Resonates with all the 7 Chakras and the Universe
Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy,
because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.
💚 Let the music of the spheres play inside you
432Hz unites you with the universal harmony
💛💜💚 Ivo Artur is founder and creator of
Lovemotives Meditation Music and other channels, such as:
ASMR Miracle Manifestation Music,
ASMR Moment,
Waao Love and Waao Nos Somos Todos Um,
one of the leading multi-sensory YouTube healing channels that spread messages of pure ascension and impact hundreds of thousands of beings worldwide.
Ivo Artur combines all angles of spiritual observation with wisdom, knowledge, and Experience to transmit messages of source consciousness and oneness through both sound and visual vibrational frequencies that offer profound transformations such as:
Awakening, Ascension, Awareness, and Activation.
#Lovemotives #MeditationMusic #QuantumMiracleMusic
2 weeks ago 00:03:47 1
2 weeks ago 00:08:53 1
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