WuHan Hot Dry Noodles丨武汉热干面丨4K UHD丨小喜XiaoXi丨Cheer Up, Wuhan! 武汉加油!

Let’s make the “Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles“ and encourage Wuhan in this times! This winter is longer than usual, what I miss the most is the Wuhan hot dry noodles. Foods from all over the world cheer for hot dry noodles, is full of warmth. Alkaline noodles are crispy and smooth, with chives and sesame sauce. It’s looks particularly yummy. The dark cloud will disperse. When the cherry blossoms bloom, how about going out for eating hot dry noodles? ========================================= 手工做一碗酱香味浓的武汉热干面,一起为武汉加油打call! 今年的冬天有些漫长,最让人挂念的是那碗武汉热干面 各地美食纷纷给热干ƃ
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