Codecademy - Python: Tutorial #15

Enroll for coding exercises, projects, tutorials, and courses... ?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=yt-description Unit 7 - Lists and Functions ========================================== 0:00 — 11. List manipulation in functions 2:33 — 12. Printing out a list item by item in a function 15:39 — 13. Modifying each element in a list in a function 22:04 — 14. Passing a range into a function ============================================= This is part 15 of the Codecademy Python Walkthrough Tutorial. It covers topics like ranges, range arguments, start stop step, accessing through index, range to list, mutating list items, sum even numbers, sum odd numbers, backwards list ranges, and much more! We also step through each of the algorithms in much more detail! ===== ... #CleverProgrammer #python #python3 #python2 #start_stop_step #stop #range #index #indices #lists 20160912 wCA5_lOytXs
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