Destiny 2 Beyond Light - Solo Riven in Beyond Light Season of the Chosen / Solo Last Wish Raid Riven Boss / Titan Solo Riven This Season. Just a quick video showing a solo Riven of a Thousand Voices boss completion in Season of the Chosen. Details below.
Back to the seasonal Solo Riven at this point, and nothing has really changed from Beyond Light. I forgot how annoying the Psions could be and getting in the way of your hammers on Riven, but this run they weren’t as bad as they could’ve been. The Wormgod swap is for when you use the Joining Allies to get to the other side, it prevents it from bugging out and not giving you full stacks. When the Solar Plexus mod comes back (probably next season), this will become much easier again.
There’s another strategy to test out for this that I was suggested, which will make for a much more interesting defeat. Hoping to get some time later in the season to see how it is. Queenswalk is also a bit of a mess at the moment. Previous strateg