A Course in Miracles Master Teacher: Letting Go of Guilt ~David Hoffmeister

Practice and live the mystical teachings of Jesus assisted by online courses, online retreats, and an online Tribe of Christ community:   A Course in Miracles Master Teacher David Hoffmeister teaches the release of guilt. This is what happens when we truly heal and forgive. David Hoffmeister teaches us that Love is inevitable! You can’t mess it up! As you go beneath the sugarcoating you can expect the ego to become self-critical. Cynicism is the curse of this world. When our experiences don’t match the happy endings of fairly tales, we are emotionally shattered and bitterness sets in. A death wish made this world. It was made in hatred. If we ask, “What part did I play in this?” there is a huge fear to look at the darkness within. The ego made up a two-tier self concept. The top tier is the face of innocence, a false mask that is wet with tears at the injustices of the world. It was made to cover over what lies beneath, which is so dark i
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