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Акварель: Emulate the style of a professional watercolor painting, with a focus on delicate brushstrokes, subtle color blends, and a high level of realism. Capture the transparency and fluidity that is characteristic of watercolor medium and ensure the artwork showcases expert control of water and pigment, with attention to light and shadow creating depth and dimension
Линейная графика: Create a linear, dynamic, expressive illustration using black ink that showcases complex patterns and textures, crisp and bold lines, and a dramatic sense of movement reminiscent of intricate handwriting or architectural sketches
Детский рисунок гаушью: Adopt the style of a child’s gouache painting, emphasizing bright, bold colors, simple shapes, and a cheerful, playful atmosphere. Illustrate a whimsical scene with joyful subjects, such as animals having a picnic, with visible brush strokes and a certain naïveté in the representation of perspective and proportions typical of children’s artwork
Советская мозаика: Mimic the style of Soviet mosaic art, characterized by its geometric precision, monumental form, and vibrant, yet often limited color palette. Incorporate iconic Soviet imagery, such as stars, wheat sheaves, and industrious figures, typically set against a bright blue sky. Render the mosaic tiles with a slightly irregular arrangement to evoke the handmade quality of the era’s public artworks
Угольный скетч: Imitate the style of a charcoal sketch, focusing on the medium’s distinctive bold and textured strokes, loose lines, and varying shades of black and grey. Depict a dynamic and expressive scene, like a figure study or a landscape, where the contrast between light and shadow is pronounced, and the ephemeral quality of the subject is captured through the smudging and blending of charcoal
Экспрессивная живопись: Channel the style of expressive painting, showcasing bold, sweeping brushstrokes, intense and often non-naturalistic colors, and a strong emotional undertone. Capture a subject that conveys a powerful message or feeling, such as a turbulent seascape or a portrait charged with emotion, where the brushwork and color palette are utilized to evoke a sense of movement and raw expressiveness
Граффити: Embrace the street art aesthetic of graffiti style, incorporating bold lines, vibrant colors, and dynamic word art or images. Feature elements common in graffiti, such as spray-paint drips, stylized lettering with 3D effects, and edgy, graphic characters or symbols. Convey the energetic and rebellious vibe that graffiti art embodies, often found on urban walls and skate parks
Технический скетч маркерами: Adopt the style of a technical drawing using a grey marker, highlighting precision, clean lines, and clarity. The drawing should include measured dimensions, geometric shapes, and careful shading to indicate depth and material properties. Emphasize the functional aspects and mechanical details of the subject, which could be a machine part or an engineering component, adhering to the conventions of scale and proportion found in technical illustrations
Китайская живопись: Reflect the elegance and sophistication of traditional Chinese painting, utilizing graceful brushwork, ink wash techniques, and a restrained color palette often focusing on shades of black, white, and gray, with occasional muted color accents. Feature classic subjects such as bamboo, mountains shrouded in mist, delicate flowers, or koi fish in a pond, all depicted with a balance between detail and empty space (the concept of ’liubai’). The composition should convey a sense of harmony and tranquility, consistent with the philosophical tenets of Taoism and Confucianism
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Я – Кир Витковский,
Я более 18 лет в дизайне и креативных индустриях и верю, что современный бизнес и дизайн невозможны без IT, кодинга и аргументации любых действий в работе. Именно поэтому вы здесь :)
Наш проект Метранпаж – резидент «Сколково» и входит в топ-100 перспективных российских стартапов 2023. Стал победителем номинаций «Продукт недели» и «Продукт месяца» на Product Radar и номинантом на премию «Сделано в России – 2023» издания «Сноб» в номинации «Наука и технологии».
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