THE JEWS the NOT so Chosen people

“Joseph not Judah, true heir of Israel? Yes! Jesus (A S.) was an Israelite from the northern kingdom of Israel, not Judah. The Gospels don’t claim his family were Judeans that resettled in the Galilee. And most of his ministry was to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel“ and not Judah. A well done analysis from a Christian that knows their biblical geography, history, and scriptures. As explained, only about 5% of the biblical Israelites were considered Jews (Judeans), and that didn’t include Moses or Jesus—peace be upon them, as neither were descendants from the tribe of Judah. Upon learning this, most people arrive to the conclusion that Jesus’ genealogies were forgeries and alterations added to the Gospel texts hundreds of years after the fact. He could not have been from the tribe of Judah as a Galilean. It’s geographically impossible. Peter, being a Galilean, spoke in a northern Aramaic dialect, and his accent and vocabulary gave him away when he was trying to remain anonymous on the night of Jesus’ arrest. As Peter was sitting in a courtyard during one of Jesus’ trials, a servant girl came up to him and said, “You also were with Jesus of Galilee“ (Matthew 26:69). Later, another servant girl said, “This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth“ (verse 71). A short time later, others said to Peter, “Surely you are one of them; your accent gives you away“ (verse 73). Galileans naturally stood out to the people of Jerusalem. . This subject has convinced a lot of scholarly sources to doubt the authenticity of Jesus’ alleged genealogies as “recorded“ by the Gospels. He’s referred to as “Galilean“ several times and even a Samaritan by the Gospel writers. And in biblical times Samaria belonged to the northern kingdom of Israel where Jesus was from, not Judah. Christians supporting the modern state of “Israel“ as a Jewish nation will find themselves in a quagmire. If you know the Bible, a Jewish state called “Israel“ is a complete oxymoron. Calling Israel the “Jewish homeland“ is biblically unfactual. My Christian friends aren’t supporting Israel, they’re supporting the synagogue of Satan.“ #PalestinianLivesMatter
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