Sonic Free Riders Xenia Tutorial

#sonicthehedgehog #sonicriders You will need decent pc to run this game smoothly. If you are using a low end one expect a lot of lag. Sorry for the bad mic quality and I was nervous while making this video. If you don’t wanna hear me speak just mute this video and watch what I do. Xenia can sometimes crash or softlock. Video tutorials are more helpful than reading instructions. Just read the ReadMe for instructions okay. I will do more videos on this game later. I finally get to play Sonic Free Riders after waiting 13 years. My PC specs RTX 3060 32 GB Ram Intel Core i7 10700F I recommend using the canary build because I think it is more stable. If you have any issue with this mod just join discord server for help and also check out future updates that can improve this game. Download links. The download for the mod is on Rei-san youtube. Give him a sub because he is a awesome guy. Xbox 360 iso extractor. Xenia Canary build.
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