Английский язык 6 класс (Урок№46 - Places to eat in the UK.)

Английский язык 6 класс Урок№46 - Places to eat in the UK. Hunger breaks stone walls That’s amazing when our dreams come true. Our friends’ dream was to visit the UK. There are so many places of interest to visit, so many things to do. Oh, no! What’s that? They are hungry and they can’t walk further. It’s time to snack on somewhere. Where can they do it? That’s not a problem. There are a lot of places to eat in the UK. Today we are going to learn a lot about them. мы узнаем: о традициях и заведениях питания в Великобритании; мы научимся: читать и анализировать тексты по теме «Places to eat in the UK»; мы сможем: составлять короткую статью по плану, с опорой на образец о популярных кафе и закусочных в России; уважительно и доброжелательно относиться к культуре, языку и истории других народов. Составляя описание кафе или ресторана, следует придерживаться следующего плана: Название заведения и где оно находится (where it is); Как оно выглядит изнутри и снаружи (what it looks like inside and outside); Какую еду подают (what kinds of foods they serve); В заключении нужно объяснить, что делает заведение особенным для вас и для других посетителей (explain what makes this restaurant so special to you and others). Culture corner The oldest café in the UK. When George William Wilton started his shellfish stalls in 1742, he had no idea that his business would still be so popular nearly 275 years later. George’s oysters were a great success with the local traders and, after devoting 28 years of his life to serving, he passed the business on to his son Francis Charles Wilton. His nephew inherited the business and changed the name to Wilton’s Shellfish Mongers and Oyster Rooms. Since then the future restaurant changed hands and streets until it was bought by Mr Olaf Hambro. The restaurant was just included into the bill when Hambro was dinning there and the bomb damaged the wall in WWII. The then owner Mrs Leal was so scared of the bang that she decided to leave London and her beloved restaurant. She asked one of the diners to find someone who wanted to buy her restaurant. It was Mr Olaf Hambro himself. Today Wiltons has the same elegance and dedication to excellence it has always had.
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