CAMEROON: Free France Headquarters in Africa. (1940)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Free France Headquarters in Africa. French troops travelling to local village on patrol. Full Description: DOULA, CAMEROONS. FRENCH WEST AFRICA GV De Gaulle’s Headquarters/in front. SV Chamber of Commerce. “1927 - 1928 ’Chambre de Commerce’“ on building. CU Sign:- ’Le huit octobre mil neuf cent quarante Le General De Gaulle Chef de la France Libre A Installe ici en terre francaise son grand quartier general.’ SV transport lorries. GV Pan boats travelling up river. BV Boats travelling up river. LV native kids in water. CU native kids in water. GV Travelling up river. SV Undergrowth on bank pan to river. SV Man paddling boat. SV Officers wave pan to native village. ORIG. NEG. GOOD SCENES. LV Sentry on guard outside camp. SV troops entering carrying food (?) CU plates of food. SSV soldiers picking bananas off a pole. SSV soldier walking towards hut past trees. LV towar
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