Western Military Base Kicked Out Of Africa?

If you search on Google for the number of African countries with military bases in Western countries, you’ll be surprised to find that the search results show the opposite: Western countries with military bases in Africa. For many years, Africa has been host to numerous foreign military personnel, with over a dozen countries having deployments and bases on the continent. In a 2019 report by The Institute of Security Studies in South Africa, it was revealed that at least 13 countries have a military presence in Africa, with around 11 foreign military bases located in the Horn of Africa. These Western countries include the USA, France, the UK, Germany, and even India. However, there isn’t a single African country that has a military base outside of the continent. This raises the question of why so many foreign countries have military bases in Africa, and why Africa allows it? Are these foreign military bases beneficial to Africa, or is there a hidden agenda? Let’s find out the answers to these questions and why these military bases need to be dismantled and sent far away from African. #ibrahimtraoré #africa #burkinafaso #Niger #Ecowas
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