Next Level Blade+Vue SFC Magic with the upcoming Splade v2 and Splade Core.
Two weeks ago, I tweeted about splitting up Laravel Splade () into multiple packages and that it should be easier to start with Splade.
The foundation of Splade v2 will be Splade Core, and in this video, I’ll give you a sneak peek of what I’ve been working on.
In short, Splade Core is the glue between Blade and Vue, and while Splade was always about mixing Blade and Vue, Splade Core will make it dramatically easier to do so. Inspired by Volt, Splade will support Single File Components (SFC) by mixing Blade and Vue in a single file.
0:00 Introduction
1:53 Two-way binding in Blade
3:32 Computed
4:02 Third-party libraries
5:25 Blade Components with v-model
8:04 Call PHP methods from Vue
9:59 Update and sync PHP properties with Vue
11:09 Loading indicator
12:20 Vue callbacks on PHP method calls
13:45 Improve callback syntax
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