Foreign Telegram - The Insurrection Thing

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “Her lips are coffin size. Her purse is stuffed with cherry bombs. Towing the VIP line, She knows the “mohawked“ door guy. The first chamber’s empty Of vegan/Hindu cigarettes, With her lips drumming a tabla poem, She’s ready for the insurrection thing. The two-stroke rat boy, He’s a Japanese drop out. Got his ideas wrapped in gaffer’s tape, His leathers’ all matte with jaded thrills. Pasted on his badge vest: “オハヨウ、ママさん”, Old enough to drink and vote and kill, He’s ready for the insurrection thing. Me, I got my velvets on Tugging on my faux-hate And this safety pin mini-skirt. Had my legs dipped in latex. My night goggles’ made of motherhood, But my boots are still made of heartaches. I’m waiting on the insurrection thing. Can you feel your auto immune disease? Pumping out your thyroids? Throw away your crosses, We can’t afford the death toll, Get up off your ergonomics Get up your insurrection thing.“
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