El Alamein: 12 Years After (1954)

El Alamein (Al Alamain), Egypt. GV. Alamein war cemetery. LV. Memorial and grave stones. SCU. Grave stone. SCU. “Alamein War Cemetery“ on archway. SV. Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery - “Monty“, looking at names. SCU. Pan, names on wall. GV. Assembly and Lord Montgomery taking salute. SV. Front view, assembly and Field Marshal Montgomery taking salute. SV. People watching. LV. Lord Montgomery walks out to inspect Highland Guard. SCU. Highland Guard soldiers. CU. Lord Montgomery inspecting Highland Guard, & LV. LV. Australian soldiers on parade. CU. Australians. GV. Lord Montgomery on top of memorial about to unveil. SV. Lord Montgomery unveils. SV. Lord Montgomery saluting on top of memorial SV. Australians lined up. SCU. Naval men. SV. Lord Montgomery laying wreath. SV. People watching. SCU. Wreaths on memorial. CU. Wreaths, including one from Highland Division. SV. Lord Montgomery shaking hands with Australians. CU. Medal on coat. GV. War cemetery and surrounding country. SV. Gravestones. CU. “Unknown“
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