Lisbon Workshop: a Living System - Discursive Wall

We would like to invite you to participate in the “a Living System“ workshop, which will be held on the March 7th-11th 2011 and March 29th to April 1st at ISCTE-IUL facilities, in Lisbon, Portugal. The workshop “A living System“ involves three partners: , FabLabEDP and Rhino3DPortugal. The main goal is to explore digital technologies and their contribution to solve some of the new challenges presented to the society and architecture in Portugal. With technological developments, tools once limited to not creative areas begin to be part of the everyday life of students in University Architecture Laboratories and change its design processes. The architecture design methods are changing rapidly with the introduction of CAD-CAM software’s. In recent years, new software’s have been available for 3D representation and digital fabrication, which have allowed creating new ways of interacting with the computer and architecture. Contemporary architecture
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