Battleship Yamato: 4x devastating strike - World of Warships

Battleship Yamato: 4x devastating strike - World of Warships Yamato: 270k damage, 8 ships destroyed - World of Warships WoWs replays - best World of Warships games Yamato is a Japanese tier X Battleship. The Yamato is part of the Japanese Battleship line. #WorldofWarships #WoWs #WOWsreplays A Heavy Battleship of the “Fleet of Fog,“ modeled after the lead ship of the Imperial Japanese Navys Yamato-class series of battleships. This warship has been specially designed for World of Warships, and is modeled after the same-name ship from “ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL -ARS NOVA-“. Battle Stats: Version: Server: EU Time: 23-11-2021 23:33:12 EU TIME Player: akira690 Ship: Yamato Damage: 270228 Destroyed ships: 8 Map: Mountain Range A mountain range in the middle of a strait. Mods used for the replay recordings: WG modstation (calm sea, fog removed) World of Warships You want to send me your WoWs replay? Requirements: 3k BXP or
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