Platon Karataev - Wolf Throats (Official Music Video)

’Wolf Throats’ is the third song of Platon Karataev’s upcoming ’Atoms’ LP. The song was written and performed by Gergely Balla, Sebestyén Czakó-Kuraly, Soma Bradák, László Sallai and Domonkos Kondor as Platon Karataev. DIRECTED BY Emőke Dobos DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Máté Szombath B CAMERA Géza Vadas DRONE Botond Wertán CHOREOGRAPHY Emőke Dobos Janka Hajtó Sára Korom COSTUMES Emőke Dobos EDITOR Emőke Dobos COLORIST Máté Szombath DANCERS Viktória Ágoston Marci Birta Rozina Bogár-Szabó Viktória File Janka Forczek Bianka Gyepes Janka Hajtó Réka Hofbauer Eszter Horváth Eszter Joó Fanni... Kárpáti Helga Kiss Sára Korom Péter Madarász Rita Matos Dorina Mayer Fanni Kitti Mészáros Noémi Piller Zsófi Szász Rebeka Szendrey Lotti Szomor Zsófia Tókos Glória Jáde Tóth Regina Tusor Karolina Vörös SPECIAL THANKS Cineast Wertan Co. Ltd Budakeszi Arborétum MU Terminál Also thanks: Kriszti Andrási, Borbála Dobos, Orsi Bakács, Collectives of Arts Recorded at Stamusic Studios Mastering & Production, Budapest, 2019 Mixed and mastered by Ábel Zwickl Lyrics: I’m a thought I run without feet I’m a thought I fly without wings Their hunched furs in shreds and they haven’t been fed The wolf throats are red as they howl at me mad This upward falling breaks my bird bones I have nothing to atone for Can’t you see that the conductor is dead? The orchestra’s led by a score that’s unread Their hunched furs in shreds and they haven’t been fed The wolf throats are red as they howl at me mad
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