How To Choose The Right Boss Chorus Pedal For You - DC2w, CE2w, CE5 or CH1

Boss Chorus Shootout - Exploring the subtle differences between the range of Boss chorus pedals. Which is your favourite compact Boss chorus pedal? - Boss CE-2w USA: UK: - Boss DC-2w USA: UK: - Boss CH-1 USA: UK: - Boss CE-5 USA: UK: Timecodes: 00:00 - Intro 00:09 - CE-2w 03:03 - DC-2w 06:28 - CH-1 09:08 - CE-5 12:46 - Stereo Setup 13:18 - Summary The CE-2w is a reissue of the original CE-2 that came out in 79’. The main characteristics of the CE-2w for me are the warm mid range focused sound that it has and the natural sounding sweep to the wave form of the modulation. On the st...andard CE-2 setting the range and depth control are fairly limited, the rate won’t go very
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