Dead Ops Arcade 3 - Round 64 Speedrun

2hr18m40s to beat the Mamaback Boss! Speedruns on DOA games have historically been pretty lame, as the rounds are essentially time-based, but my teammate Fatal and I figured it would be a fun little challenge to spice things up. We weren’t playing too seriously, so this isn’t meant to be a Gameplay Tutorial by any means. Also, we could have definitely shaven off a couple of minutes by saving up Speed Boosts for the Volcano, donating Lives on the Boss Round from the get-go, and using our Nukes at the end of rounds a little more optimally. ► Time-stamps: Rounds 1-4: 0:00 The Wild: 3:12 Rounds 5-8: 4:11 Rounds 9-12: 7:43 Rounds 13-16: 11:53 Rounds 17-20: 16:51 The Wild: 22:18 Room of Fate: 25:57 Rounds 21-24: 26:32 Rounds 25-28: 33:18 Rounds 29-32: 40:16 Rounds 33-36: 46:31 Rounds 37-40: 54:56 Rounds 41-44: 1:03:56 Rounds 45-48: 1:14:36 Rounds 49-52: 1:25:13 Rounds 53-56: 1:36:57 Rounds 57-60: 1:49:12 The Wild: 2:01:42 Rounds 61-64: 2:04:17 Boss Battle: 2:17:11 Boss Defeated - 2:18:40 ► Social Media: ✪ Twitter
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