# WORLD NEWS FROM A USA PERSPECTIVE # Guest D. Lee & Penny Warren.
#“WORLD NEWS FROM A USA PERSPECTIVE.“# “ WORLD NEWS FROM A USA . PERSPECTIVE“. Get Your USA Perspective On The Latest World News. We will talk about “US President Joe Biden and Former US Donald Trump“. “Inflation and a Recession“ in the USA for the present and future years ahead. Will the “Federreseves Bank and inflation“ raise consumer interest rates again? We will talk about some “Conspiracy Theories,““The “New NEW World Order,“ the future, and whether it will help the US economy“ and slow down inflation? The Higher gas prices, “Food prices, the USA, NATO, and Ukraine war,issues\and other global issues form“WORLD NEWS FROM A USA“ PERSPECTIVE.““We will talk about “Dominion machines“ and voting in the USA.; they count the votes at the end of the election to tell who won or lost. We will talk about the Florida hurricanes, Solar power. / and you can call 1-312-884-9757 with questions for the g