Norwegian ‘Death Diver’ Sets Record After Diving From 100 Foot Cliff, Falling At Over 60 MPH

Death Diving, as its name suggests, is an especially dangerous form of diving where participants keep their bodies open as if preparing for a belly-flop waiting as long as possible before shifting to the much safer head-first diving position. In the clip posted by Ken on his ’@kenstornes’ Instagram account, he can first be seen standing at the top of an incredibly high cliff preparing himself mentally for the jump. The diver then throws himself from the cliff initially falling horizontally with his limbs stretched out wide. Just a split-second before hitting the water at an estimated speed of 100 kph (62 mph) Ken changes position and cuts through the surface of the water headfirst. Ken disappears under the water for a few seconds but re-surfaces triumphantly to which everyone cheers as he roars with joy. The fearless diver smashed the previous ’Death Diving’ record of 27 metres (88.5 feet) by over 4 metres (13.1 feet). Oslo, Norway August 21, 2021 (Ken Stornes) #DeathDiving #ExtremeSports
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