10 Тревожных видео которые вызовут у вас мурашки по коже Часть 8
Since our earliest outsets, the possibility of the supernatural has always fascinated humankind. Our collective obsession with the idea of otherworldly entities can be seen everywhere. And naturally, with the advent of the internet, uncanny camera recordings have popularized as people have gone online to share a whole lot of the scary videos they have caught on tape.
The list I have for you today is a collection of some creepy stuff that people managed to record on their phones and camcorders. If you think you can handle the most gut-wrenching of frights or consider yourself a horror aficionado, then these creepy videos are for you! Welcome to a countdown of the grimmest scary videos of creepy stuff caught on camera!
As much as the majority of scary videos and ghost sighting footage on the internet rely on jump scares and the element of surprise to strike terror into the viewers’ minds by catching them off guard, there are still many that display events that will give you chills with their ability to tap into your deepest fears.
In this list of top 10 scary videos, you won’t see any ridiculous jump scare attempts or goofy visual effects. What you are in for, is a scary comp that shows unsettling incidents related to ghost encounters, haunted house activities, and eerie footage caught on camera. And frankly, if these moments weren’t recorded on tape, no one would have acknowledged them to be true. The footage-less narrative of the creepy videos you are about to watch would have been brushed off with the thought of “Oh, it’s just a myth. I don’t believe that“ had they not been caught on cam.
And the worst part? The scary videos that you are about to see happened to usual people like you and I. And really, can anything be more off-putting other than the fact that the world of your most deep-seated fears and your reality may collide someday? That there is, in fact, a real possibility that your worst fears might come true some unfortunate hour of some baleful day, and there is absolutely nothing you could do about it? Just thinking about it chills me to the bone.
If you proceed with watching this list, know that it includes some of the scariest videos you can find on the internet, in general. I hope you have the guts and spirit to finish watching it. Because this scary comp is jam-packed with unsettlingly dreadful events, eerie ghost sightings, horrifying occurrences that were fortunately caught on tape — otherwise, they’d be regarded as fictional scary stories, and also the creepy videos that can, in plain English, mess you up for months!
A lot of scary TikTok videos and even many creepy videos on the internet are staged. However, when a real, untouched, and unedited freaky camera footage is found, it makes all the scouring around done to discover it worthwhile. But the point is, if you go looking for harrowing frights, sometimes finding them could be the worst turn your life can take. Be careful of what you look for — what you think you want to find might not really be what you want to find. Think about it. And regarding this collection of scary videos, proceed at your own peril.
Done watching? That’s great!
Which of these creepy videos scared the bejesus out of you the most? Let me know right below in the comments!
Kevin MacLeod ()
jdgehlert ()
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